Executive Training


The course aims to equip the participants with the sound understanding of the key principles, dimensions, and trends in the process of transition to a green economy at national, regional and global levels, as well as provides the tools and methods for proactive green action in the context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.


A clear priority for many developed and developing economies is the need for innovation, productivity, and secure jobs. While different stakeholders might have varying needs, there is an overall need for higher productivity and efficiency, stronger resilience and innovation.

Green economy offers vast opportunities in eradicating poverty as well as sustaining economic growth, which is of particular concern for the countries in the Global South, as well as enhancing social inclusion, improving human welfare, creating opportunities for employment and decent work for all, while maintaining the healthy functioning of the Earth’s ecosystems.

On the other hand, failure to take a timely action in walking away from unsustainable economic practices threatens to potentially lead to environmental degradation that can have serious negative implications on future human health and welfare, and our entire ecosystem. A number of environmental systems are being pushed beyond sustainable limits through, for example, loss of biodiversity, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, land use change, and climate change.

While many governments have set ambitious national targets for the transition to a green economy in implementing the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, and while the global investment in green initiatives is growing day by day, countries still face a wide range of obstacles to the critical mass deployment needed to reach economic and environmental targets. The most common barriers include:

  • Inadequate or incomplete legislative and policy frameworks;
  • Lack of required institutional capacities focusing on the subject of green economy;
  • Lack of awareness and confidence among government and private sector stakeholders, on the actual potential of green technologies to deliver sustainable and bankable results and profits;
  • Insufficient mass of professionals and practitioners in the field of green economy;
  • Limited facilities and resources dedicated to capacity development for green economy action;
  • Lack of relevant financing mechanisms and incentives for green projects;
  • Absence of integrated resource planning for adequate integration of green economy initiatives across various sectors of national economies.

The above-mentioned obstacles are often rooted in the lack of knowledge and experience with the green economy principles and tools. Many of these obstacles can be significantly reduced or eliminated by targeted capacity development measures. The purpose of the offered Executive Training Course on Green Economy is to contribute to the foundational work for a new green economy infrastructure.


Upon successful completion of the Executive Training Course on Green Economy, participants will:

  • Understand the foundational principles, dimensions and trends in the transition to a green economy in the context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda;
  • Be familiar with the most recent tools and methods in the area of green economy;
  • Be able to effectively apply the knowledge acquired in advancing the green economy agenda and implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda in their respective countries.


The highly interactive course relies heavily on executive case studies. Participants will find themselves applying strategic analysis, ground-breaking decision making and analytical thinking throughout the six modules of the training course. Participants will share practices and explore ways to enhance political, economic, social and technical collaboration in the field of green economy and to mobilize relevant partnerships.


The Executive Training Course on Green Economy is targeted at executives and decision makers representing national government institutions, international organizations, private sector, as well as civil society organizations, including mass media. The course is designed to provide executives and decision makers with an opportunity to re-acquaint or familiarize themselves with core principles, dimensions, trends, tools, and methodologies in scaling up the transition to a green economy model.

Executive Training Alumni

Ticiana G. Ponte
Architect and Urbanist at the Municipal Department of Urbanism and Environment of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Counselor at the Fortleza City Institute.
João Eduardo Arraes de Alencar
Economist, director of Projects at Instituto da Cidade, an NGO, and also a consultant to the State of Ceará in Renewable Energies.
Dr. Carlos Ruiz-Garvia – PhD
Coordinator of the work of the Regional Collaboration Centers (RCCs) for Latin America, UNFCCC
Caronlina Robles
Project Officer for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, UNDP
Dr. Esteban Albornoz, PhD
Head of the Economic Development, Productivity and Small Enterprises Committee of Ecuador's National Assembly, Ecuador
Dr. Mahender Sharma
Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA), Guyana
Raquel Piaggio
Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry , University of Montevideo. Uruguay
Svetlana Abrams
Chief Reporter at the Guyana Chronicle, Guyana
Stephanie Lievano
Business Development Manager, Corporación La Prensa, Panamá
Alfonso Galarce
Antonia Alves Souza
Claudia Larissa De Sousa Cavalcante
Dennys Alves Feitosa De Oliveira
Eduardo Cairo Chiletto
Gerardo Arroyo O’grady
Juan José Galeano
Kenton Xavier Chance
Larissa Gurjão P. De Lima
Luis José De Jesús Ortega Rincón
Lucas Lopes
Nara Vargas
Nicolette Odella Henry
Matheus Atalanio Alves De Sousa
Martin Francos
Marcus Canutto Farias Silva
Moira Itzel Torres Aguilar
Paola Viviana Vega Rodríguez
Paola Bohorquez
Roberto Liz Castellanos
Rita De Cassia Chiletto
Sócrates Edmundo Barinas Guerrero
Thaisson Pinheiro Aguiar
Weidda Thum D. De Sampaio
João Eduardo Arraes De Alencar