The 2019 Americas Regional Ministerial Conference on Green Economy, is a result of the success of the annual, since 2014, World Green Economy Summit model and a direct response to the requests of participating countries and institutional partners to bring green economy solutions closer to the regional contexts and to deepen the impact of transition to a green economy through scaling up and replication of successful practices at the regional level. World Green Economy Summit (WGES) is one of the leading annual global forums on green economy that brings together world-class experts to focus on advancing the global Green Economy agenda and the path towards the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030.
The Regional Ministerial Conference on Green Economy is designed as an extension to WGES aiming to raise regional awareness by showcasing and scaling up the impact of successful evidence-based green economy solutions crafted and tested by countries in the Americas Region in addressing sustainable development challenges pertinent to the needs and aspirations of the region. The three thematic focus areas of the 2019 Americas Regional Ministerial Conference on Green Economy are:
The participants at the Regional Ministerial Conference on Green Economy will include four groups of champions and stakeholders: high-level policymakers, solution providers, solution seekers and those seeking to scale up solutions. For each of these groups, the Regional Ministerial Conference on Green Economy will offer the following value-added propositions:
(a) For policymakers, the Regional Ministerial Conference on Green Economy is a powerful platform for contextualizing green economy in light of current regional and global challenges, setting new directions and priorities, and championing concrete green economy partnership initiatives regionally and globally.
(b) For solution providers, the Regional Ministerial Conference on Green Economy will offer the opportunity to organize and showcase successful, sustainable and scalable green economy solutions that contribute to the three broad themes mentioned above. It will, therefore, seek to stimulate the interest of potential partners (solution seekers) to explore and identify potential collaborative initiatives that could be replicated in other countries and regions globally and that build on the successes and lessons of the solution providers.
(c) For solution seekers, the Regional Ministerial Conference on Green Economy will offer them the opportunity to learn from a wide range of green economy solutions in their efforts to address similar problems. It will, therefore, be an opportunity for solution seekers to engage with solution providers to explore potential approaches for initiating collaborative activities designed to replicate the successes and best practices showcased by the solution providers.
(d) For those seeking to scale up solutions, the Regional Ministerial Conference on Green Economy will offer the opportunity to appreciate the true value of the showcased green economy solutions and to take informed and strategic decisions to support scaling-up efforts through traditional as well as innovative South-South, and triangular cooperation arrangements and funding mechanisms.
Download the detailed concept and agenda of the 2019 Americas Regional Ministerial Conference on Green Economy