The sources of dissolved oxygen in an aqua pond are 4% of the water poured in, 7% mixed in from the surface water, and mainly 89% from the photosynthesis of algae. The growth of a quality bloom is a mystery and it varies from pond to pond. The use of organic and inorganic fertilizers and water exchange does not guarantee a quality bloom. If the source water is polluted there is no immediate remedy. If the algal bloom comprises of green algae and blue-green algae, then it does not readily support live food like zooplankton since the cell walls are made of cellulose and it is not easily digestible by the marine animals. Since the algae are not consumed it persists in the system and one day it will die and crash creating Dissolved oxygen problems.
‘ NUALGI Aqua’ is a novel research product that can grow diatom algae on almost any water substrate be it the Sea, high saline water, fresh water, sewage water, effluent water etc.
The solution aims to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen due to photosynthesis.
Nualgi Aqua was invented by Mr. T Sampath Kumar of Bangalore, India in 2004.
‘Nualgi Aqua’ contains trace, special and appropriate nutrients that can deliver in a biologically available form. Upon application to the water body in the presence of macronutrients like N, P, K and sunlight, phytoplankton predominately in the form of diatoms, bloom and is soon converted to live food like zooplankton which is attractive to fishes and prawns. The live food boosts fishing and marine resources.
Nualgi Aqua can be used for the following purposes:
The 2015 trials in Queensland, Australia strongly indicate that the use of Nualgi Aqua is a simple, yet effective pathway to manage nutrients and control Blue Green Algae growth.